Slip Rentals

How to reserve your slip at Marina Rowena
Aerial view of the slips at Marina Rowena 2022


Building the first all-new marina on Lake Cumberland in 50+ years has been a lofty undertaking but one we have happily taken on to better serve the area’s boaters. While we have already opened for business, our construction efforts will be ongoing for some time – several years in fact.

We’ve outlined the steps to securing your slip rental at Marina @ Rowena. We’re looking forward to a great season here on Lake Cumberland. 

Download links for the documents you need to initiate your slip reservation 

  1. Current Year Dockage Fee Schedule Download
  2. Contact Form & Dockage Reservation Application
  3. Dockage Rental Agreement
  4. Aerial Photo (Print Quality) 

Please print and complete all fields of the Contact Form & Dockage Reservation Application and return this completed document via email to David Dyson [email protected] or via U. S. Mail to Marina Rowena, Attn: David Dyson, 11565 KY HWY 558, Albany KY 42602.

Should we fill all of the slips currently available, rest assured that additional slips are planned for construction. Marina@Rowena will continue taking reservations for slips as we grow and add more slips to our facility. Marina@Rowena requires a $500 non-refundable earnest deposit per slip/site to join our waitlist. Deposit amounts will be applied to annual rental fee once a space is made available to you.

Using the secure and private form below, please let us know of your interest and indicate the number of boats/watercraft for which you will need slips and the sizes. This form is for the purpose of being added to the waiting list only.

The following types of slips are offered at Marina Rowena

Covered Boat Slips

(width x finger/cover length x height)
12W x 26/32 x 12H
13W x 26/32 x 12H
14W x 34/40 x 13H
14W x 34/40 x 14H

15.5W x 36/42 x 15 H

Open Houseboat Slips

20W x 67 single entry
22W x 80 single entry
23W x 80 single entry
22W x 92 single entry

Current Year Rental Prices


2025 Slip Rental Fee Listing

Just Stopping By?

Reserve a Covered Boat Dock for $45/night or Uncovered Dock for $25 /night.


aerial view of Marina Rowena 2023

We sincerely appreciate everyone’s excitement and patience throughout our construction process. The visits we’ve had from so many of you and your words of encouragement have meant so much to us. We hope you choose to join us at Marina Rowena. 

– David and the Rowena crew

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