Resurfacing work will improve safety for Lake Cumberland visitors using launch ramp, parking lot
As part of Governor Matt Bevin’s ongoing commitment to provide a modern and safe transportation system that encourages economic growth across the Commonwealth, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) has approved $217,000 in discretionary funding for the resurfacing and repair of KY 558 in Russell and Clinton counties.

KY 558 serves as the access road to Marina at Rowena, a $10 million commercial marina development currently under construction on the banks of Lake Cumberland.Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Secretary Greg Thomas and Kentucky Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet Secretary Don Parkinson attended a joint fiscal court meeting today between Russell and Clinton counties to make the announcement.
Secretary Thomas was also on hand to invite input from local officials on pressing transportation infrastructure needs as part of a statewide listening tour.
“Cooperation between local and state leaders is a vital component in providing Kentuckians with an efficient transportation system that supports regional economies,” said Secretary Thomas. “I am grateful for Gov. Bevin’s unwavering commitment to modernizing Kentucky’s transportation infrastructure and would like to thank Russell County Judge/Executive Gary Robertson and Clinton County Judge/Executive Richard Armstrong for their partnership and investment in this project. We’re eager to continue building on this collaborative approach to asset management at the county level.”
Safety improvements will be addressed by resurfacing the road to support the increase in traffic generated by the new marina. Currently, traffic on this portion of KY 558 is minimal as it terminates at the lake. Nearly one mile of roadway will be treated, crossing from Russell County into Clinton County.
“Lake Cumberland is a huge asset to Kentucky’s tourism economy,” Secretary Parkinson said. “We appreciate Governor Bevin and Secretary Thomas for recognizing the significance of this road repair project, and we appreciate the efforts of the local officials in Russell and Clinton counties in working with the Commonwealth to ensure safety for our citizens and visitors.”
The total future estimated cost of the project is $268,000. In addition to KYTC’s contribution, a combination of funds from Russell County Fiscal Court, Clinton County Fiscal Court and developer Marina at Rowena LLC will pay for the remainder of the project.
“On behalf of Russell County, I was pleased to partner with KYTC, Judge/Executive Armstrong and Marina at Rowena LLC to ensure this project moved forward,” said Robertson. “The Bevin administration has shown a commitment to supporting Kentucky’s booming tourism industry, and improvements to KY 558 will serve an important role in increasing economic opportunities for our entire region.”
Judge/Executive Armstrong added: “We want to thank Governor Bevin for funding this necessary work. Safety for area visitors is our first priority, and that includes ensuring our roadways can handle high traffic volumes.”
Marina at Rowena LLC plans to provide a parking lot and launching area on the lake, as well as 121 boat slips and a café. More information on Marina at Rowena can be found at

August 27, 2018“It has been almost 70 years since government planners designated this site as a strategic location for future marina development in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer’s Master Plan of 1949. The review/permitting process took more than a decade as we, Tony Sloan and Tom Allen, began working toward this project in 2007. We are sincerely thankful that Governor Bevin and his Transportation and Tourism Cabinet Secretaries together with the County Executives of Clinton and Russell Counties, recognize the significant economic impact Marina @ Rowena will make in the Lake Cumberland Region of Southern Kentucky. We are proud that Kentucky has the leadership to partnership with local communities to promote economic development, tourism and recreational boating. Marina @ Rowena will invest close to $10 million dollars on this site, and a good road leading into this new marina is essential for the success of the project and the benefit of the visitors.”
– Tony Sloan and Tom Allen, Marina @ Rowena, LLC