Ship's Store
Get necessary supplies at the marina's storeVisit Our Ship Store at Rowena’s
Full-Service Marina
The Ship Store at Marina Rowena is your destination for all the items you may have forgotten as you planned your visit, along with things you won’t want to leave without!
From our great line of Marina Rowena swag – tee shirts and hoodies and hats – to the important items like sun care products, fishing gear, boating supplies and hardware – you will find it at the Ship Store We carry a line of convenience groceries just in case you want to fill your cooler before you leave the docks.
7 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (CDT)
Marina@Rowena is in the Central Time Zone.

Watercraft Rentals
Pontoons, Double Deckers, Jet Skis
RV pads
Whether you are staying a night or for the season
Slip Rentals
Covered and Open

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